Long time no see..
Now's 2012...
2012, new day, new month, new year, new experience, new spirit, new hope n new memory..
Banyak hal telah dilalui di tahun 2011, hal - hal positif maupun negatif.. Sesuatu yang tidak bisa dilihat maupun dirasakan oleh orang lain, beberapa teman ataupun family pernah tanya, apa sih enaknya join organisasi Buddhis, habisin waktu dan tenaga, jadi jarang ngumpul nih, tiap kali ditanya pasti jawabnya ke studio atau pun kepentingan vihara.. Something you guys never understand till you try,, pelajaran tidak akan pernah didapat dari sekolah, kuliah ataupun bekerja.. Teman" beragam sifat dan kriteria.. Pengalaman" berharga yang didapat.. All of that things bring a lot of memory n will always stay in my heart..
Yesterday, have a nice day with my friends Stella n Dickson.. Setelah Sunday Class, beberapa teman ke Swiss Bel join Pastries class n Tekko.. So, we have our lunch together, ngobrol -ngobrol dari mulai hal" lucu sampai yang aneh".. Sampai timbul ide spontan berenang,, n yes we did.. Have so much fun.. But my friend Suhendra got accident
Time flies so fast n everybody changes.. Family change, friendship change, things change, people change, feelings change, experience, and me too..
Today's 13th Feb'12 n I want to tell you, my little dreams come true.. So simple, but really make me happy.. Thank you Buddha for everythings you give to me, my friends n my family.. :)
Photo taken by Rong |
With love,
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