Thursday, May 24, 2012

Problem problem

Cenat cenutt.. Banyak masalah yang terjadi belakangan ini, berkaitan dengan family, YAD, teman maupun pekerjaan.. Salah satu yang paling sulit dihadapi adalah manage waktu.. Masalah yang tidak teselesaikan sejak lama.. Andaikan 1 hari 48 jam, alangkah baiknya.. Sehingga bisa menyelesaikan semua hal tepat waktu..

Beberapa orang pernah bertanya, mana sih yang lebih penting family atau YAD ??
Pertanyaan yang sulit dan tidak bisa dijawab.. Family penting, YAD juga penting, pekerjaan juga penting, teman juga penting, relasi juga penting, semuanya penting.. Terkadang, memilih untuk diam saja.. Mereka tidak berada di posisi kita, sehingga akan mempunyai pemikiran negatif.. Mereka tidak mengerti, sehingga hanya akan selalu menyalakan.. 
I just can smile and say nothing..

Menuntut future.. Impian, setiap orang akan pasti mempunyai impian dan bukan hidup monoton yang begini begini saja.. Tetapi terkadang mereka tidak mengerti apa yang sebenarnya IMPIAN.. Impian kebanyakan orang adalah hidup mewah, hidup kaya, tinggal di rumah mewah, punya mobil mewah.. Kemewahan tidak menjamin kebahagiaan hidup, menurutku uang bukanlah segala - galanya.. Hidup di dunia memang butuh uang, tetapi hidup bukanlah dikendalikan oleh uang. Kebanyakan masalah timbul karena uang, lihatlah di sekeliling kita, berapa banyak yang dikendalikan oleh uang. Karena uang menjadi musuh, karena uang menjadi sakit, karena uang timbul masalah yang tidak baik.. Andaikan orang - orang bisa sadar, hidup bukan semata - mata demi uang masih banyak hal lain yang lebih penting daripada uang..

Hope everything will be ok soon.. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day to day

Morning sunny day today, so, we ( Stella, Tiff Y, Eric, Dick, Kevin and me ) go to swim.. 
Then they're going to breakfast, and I'm going to work, busy for deadline today, but really enjoy my work today..

After work, try to write something..
Suddenly realize that I miss my old friend..
Hello, how are you ? Hope everything is find with you.. I know you're trying to forget..  Take time to realize, dude! This too will past..
I miss you..

Realize spend time together with family, friends or others is the best moment.. 

We are young!! I just found this song few days ago..
We are young.. 
So let's set the world on fire.. 
We can burn brighter than the sun

With love,

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blia Yad Indonesia - Wishing Candle 2012

Sunday, 22nd April 2012 Blia Yad Indonesia present Wishing Candle 2012, with special guest from Jakarta, Mr. Andrie Wongso.. He's Number 1 Motivator in Indonesia..

Wishing Candle 2012 -- Youth, Hope, and Wisdom
Wishing Candle!!! Luar Biasa!!! --> This is our Wishing Candle 2012 trademark

All Wishing Candle Volunteer

At Polonia Intl' Airport with Mr. Andrie Wongso

Great event!! Motivator yang luar biasa,, peserta yang antusias,, volunteer yang telah membantu, dan panitia yang bekerja sama..

Give others confidence
Give others happiness
Give others hope
Give others convenience

Thank you guys for the support and team work!!
Thanks to Ven. Light, all Committees, all Volunteers, and all Participants!!
You rock, guys!!!

Wishing Candle, LUAR BIASA!!

With love, 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Last day of April

Today's last day of April.. Wish can talk to you.. 
You're my bestfriend and I know you're better than that.. I miss you.. The old you.. But now you've changed.. 
I miss you 

“In your life, you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again. But you do.” - C.S.Lewis

I found this quote "so true"

Fall in love with this song.. Enjoy it.. :)

With love,

Friday, April 27, 2012

My 24th B'day

Happy b'day to me !!

Thank you for editing this cute picture!! 

Simple celebrate chinese b'day with family..
Thank you mom, sister n brother.. You're the best gift that I ever have..
You're my superhero!!

My lovely family.. <3
B'day cake from sis n bro

Today's 27 Apr'12.. 

Thank you for someoneoutofthere, for your simple b'day greeting..
Miss you, as always.. :)

B'day cake from Indah, thank you *big hug*

How's today?? IT'S GREATT!! Thank you for all the wonderful b'day wishes..
I just back from a simple b'day celebration dinner with my close friends..

Yes,, today's my b'day n tomorrow's Kevin b'day, but we celebrate our b'day together today.. :)
We eat, we talk, we chit chat, we laugh, we celebrate together.. :p

I'm not 44,, I'm 24th and Kevin's 20th, they forget to pay THIS for us.. :p

Our memory <3

Thank you for all the wonderful b'day wishes..
Thank you for celebrate my b'day..
I feel so blessed knowing that I have been blessed by terrific family and lovely friends..
I'm very greatful for the gift of getting to know you all..

Love you,,

Monday, February 13, 2012


Long time no see..
Now's 2012...
2012, new day, new month, new year, new experience, new spirit, new hope n new memory..

Banyak hal telah dilalui di tahun 2011, hal - hal positif maupun negatif.. Sesuatu yang tidak bisa dilihat maupun dirasakan oleh orang lain, beberapa teman ataupun family pernah tanya, apa sih enaknya join organisasi Buddhis, habisin waktu dan tenaga, jadi jarang ngumpul nih, tiap kali ditanya pasti jawabnya ke studio atau pun kepentingan vihara.. Something you guys never understand till you try,, pelajaran tidak akan pernah didapat dari sekolah, kuliah ataupun bekerja.. Teman" beragam sifat dan kriteria.. Pengalaman" berharga yang didapat.. All of that things bring a lot of memory n will always stay in my heart.. 

Yesterday, have a nice day with my friends Stella n Dickson.. Setelah Sunday Class, beberapa teman ke Swiss Bel join Pastries class n Tekko.. So, we have our lunch together, ngobrol -ngobrol dari mulai hal" lucu sampai yang aneh".. Sampai timbul ide spontan berenang,, n yes we did.. Have so much fun.. But my friend Suhendra got accident

Time flies so fast n everybody changes.. Family change, friendship change, things change, people change, feelings change, experience, and me too..

Today's 13th Feb'12 n I want to tell you, my little dreams come true.. So simple, but really make me happy.. Thank you Buddha for everythings you give to me, my friends n my family.. :)

Photo taken by Rong

With love,